
Manak Ahuja
11 Min Read

💎AMA Recap With Revuto💎


Ok let’s welcome @vvukman for today’s AMA session 👏👏

Vedran Vukman:
Hello everyone

Hello, thankyou for here. Without any late, let’s start our first session

Vedran Vukman:
Okey i am ready

Q1) Can you please introduce yourself to the community?

Vedran Vukman:
Hi, I am Vedran Vukman CEO of Revuto. I have been in crypto since Jan 2017. I am founder of Revuto with 2 more people. I am here to introduce you Revuto project.

Elena Roy:
Simple and effective introduction it was🔥💎

Glad to know about you sir. And it seems you are well experienced 👏

Q2) Please tell us in detail about Revuto?

Vedran Vukman:
Revuto is developing service in subscription management space. We have seen that subscription ecomomy is booming 100% zear on zear we deciede to offer solution to help you with free trial traps and unwanted subsription charges. Our decentralized service will offer simple solution to block, snooze or approve subsription charges as they occur.

Great info about Revuto👌🔥

Ok a small thing is please say done when you complete answering

Vedran Vukman:

Ok next question

Q3) Please shed some light on long term benifits of holding $Revu? Also are there any short term advantages as well? If yes then what are those?

Elena Roy:
That’s great to hear💥

Vedran Vukman:
Short term advantages of Revu is our referral progarm that is atm very popular in which we are rewarding everyone with Revu tokens, also for every referral you bring into Revuto you get tokens as their referred friend. However there is also long term benefit of referral program beacuase you get % of every $ that is spend within Revuto app by your referrals. Long term benefit of holding Revu is passive income. You get yield by staking Revu tokens in liquidity pool for micro lending. Ultimate goal is to save poeples money to pay less for their subscriptions then they would paid with their fiat money.


Sounds good. So we can earn by Revuto in different ways👌

Q4) Partnerships and Community Support are the most important thing for a project to grow. So can you tell us some of your strategies that how do you plan to keep community and partners happy?

Vedran Vukman:
From start of this project community was important part of it, we try to invlove them in all major decisions from the begining. We are answering to all questions from our community 24/7 since the start of all social media channel. We would like everyone to join our soical media channels to witness Revuto hospitality and kindness. Ask us about the project, we will gladly answer all questions.

Soon with our partners we are gonna announce how we plan to become the bigest creator/builder on Cardano ecosystem.


Guys note down! If you have any doubts anytime, you can ask in @getrevuto🤗🤗

Waiting for such announcement 🥳

Q5) We got to know so much about Revuto and are now extremely excited to buy some $Revu! So please shed some light for new investors on from where how to buy $Revu?

Vedran Vukman:
Unfortunately our token sale has finished in May 2021. We sold every round in matter of minutes. Next opportunity to buy Revu token should happen by the end of September when Revu is going to be listed on Top exchanges. But still there is opportunity to get your hands on Revu through our referral program.


Can you tell in which exchanges Revu going to list?

Vedran Vukman:
Unfortunately we are not allowed to disclose our partnerships yet, but we advise you to follow our announcements on our social media.

Ok. Our Community is waiting eagerly for those announcements

This is all about the first segment of today’s Ama

Let’s move to Twitter segment. @vvukman are you ready?

Vedran Vukman:
Bring it on!


1.Which segments are you seeing early signs of success in real-world usable applications/blockchains? What part of the Revuto ecosystem are you most excited about? From:-@Ramachari110

Vedran Vukman:
We are most excited about the DEFi setups beause people are gonna be able to lock their tokens in smart contracts to make their money work for them.


2.What is your plan for global expansion? At present, which market does #Revuto focus on, or is it focused on building and growing to gain customers, users and partners?from:-(@THORGodofthnder

Vedran Vukman:
At the moment we are focused on European markets but with our partners we are planning to offer service globally especially revuto Virtual Debit Cards.


Sounds good☺️

3.Regarding revuto program referrals, on your website, one of them gets a Revuto Pro debit card as a gift. What benefits are given if you have the card? is there any time limit regarding Refferal Revuto program?(from:-@blackrose11221

Vedran Vukman:
The old referral program with Revuto debit card as benefit was closed at the time when we launched our app. The pro users will have benefits of using some additional features. No there is no time limit of Revuto referral program but with the time we are gonna lower rewards you get from referral program.


4.I see that REVUTO has an App product for iOS & Android, is that right?
What features are there in the App product & does the REVUTO App provide DEX features as a medium of exchange in the product..?( From:-@PKragak)

Vedran Vukman:
Yes Revuto app has iOS and Android version. Revuto app will offer you to pay for subscription with your crypto. DEX features are not avaliable yet but are on our roadmap to implement.


In which crypto currencies we can pay for subscription?

Vedran Vukman:
You willbe able to pay with Revu.


Ok good. And let’s move to last question

5.How can is #Revuto get users to bet and hold the native token for predetermined periods of time to reduce volatility, what strategies can they apply to achieve this and if not, how would it affect it? (From:-@HungBachYen)

Vedran Vukman:
Revu will have staking pools where they are gonna be able to lock Revu tokens for certain period of time to earn yield. But more about specifics we are gonna announce in by the end of September.


And this is end of Twitter segment


As mentioned earlier, Live Segment will be taking place in @getrevuto guys so make sure to join @getrevuto and take part in live session😍

You all have 90 seconds to join @getrevuto before we start the live segment😉

1.Is your project only for english speaking countries or do you have any community for non english speaking users too?

Vedran Vukman:
App is at the moment only in English language. Main community channel is english but we are providing some unofficial and some offical groups on telegram for local communities.

Tal Hamm:
2.While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?

Vedran Vukman:
We are constantly watching for fresh ideas and feedback from our community and try to improve in every segment of our project. We have already accepted some suggestions from our community members and we are integrating them into our app.

🤐Aria Aria😢:
3.For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does your team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough fund for it’s developement Can you tell us that how your project generate the profit?

Vedran Vukman:
Luckily through our token sale we managed to receive 10$ million in funding what is gonna be more than enough to achieve some major milestones from our roadmap. Additional Revuto is setup to have sustainable business model from the beginning. In short it means we are gonna be profitable.

Tal Hamm:
Regulation is very important. Many projects were closed in many countries due to failure to use the correct regulations and permits. In order to go global How does your team deal with these issues??

Vedran Vukman:
We are working closely with regulators to be in compliance with all neccesary laws. As an example from the beginning we were implementing KYC authentication.

Until now we have been fully transparent about our team members. At the moment more than 30 people are working full time for Revuto and we are expanding. All Co-founders are very experienced entrepreneurs with insights about fintech market.

Manak ( Dont PM me for Funds/Investment Ideas!!):
Great session @vvukman sir😉

Vedran Vukman:
Thank you all for being participants of this AMA. Please follow Revuto on other social media. For this week we prepare some great news for our community.

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I'm Manak Ahuja, a business administration graduate with a passion for digital marketing. With experience from my family's business, I understand how to scale in competitive markets. My entrepreneurial spirit and digital marketing expertise drive me to create growth and innovation. I'm excited to continue my journey and make a significant impact in the field.