Manak Ahuja
22 Min Read

Admins — Avron Goss

Hosts — Manak  and Elena Roy


Manak :
Hello Crypto Landians!! We are so glad to have @AvGoss from team TwoTwo Art here with us today for Today’s AMA Session!😍

Hello @AvGoss sir, so nice to have you here on board today😊

Avron Goss:
Good to be here

Manak :
We welcome you to Crypto Land sir😉

Elena Roy:
Welcome to our community sir🔥

Avron Goss:
Thank you! I am looking forward to talking about TWO TWO today. We are really excited about this project

Manak :
So sir lets begin Today’s session with Intro Segment😉

We would love to know more about TwoTwo

@AvGoss sir please type done after completion of an Answer to Avoid any kind of Confusion sir😉

Avron Goss:
TWO TWO breaks down the barriers between real and virtual art, emerging and established artists, and between the artist and the community.

Our Art industry focussed DeFi is aimed at providing capital to art projects globally, enabling the community to find the next Banksy.

Our unique ecosystem ties together sales of physical art, NFT art, liquidity pools and staking to create value for the community using the X22 Token.

Manak :
Whoaa nice intro about the TwoTwo i must say🤔🔥🔥

thanks for that sir

Manak :
Lets start with the Basic Most Question which is……..

Q1) Can you please introduce yourself to the community sir?

Avron Goss:
I am the co-founder of TWO TWO along with Stacey Maites and Steven Meistrich. This is what we now spending our time doing… 48 hours a day each!!!


Manak :
Quick Small and Effective Intro🔥🔥

Coming to next one….

Elena Roy:
Impressive 🔥

Manak :
Q2) Partnerships are extremely Important for project to Stay in the competition and TWOTWO also recently announced their partnership with Kosmos Venture. So can you tell us more about your partnerships?

Avron Goss:
We agree with you that partnerships are important.

To start with, during the Seed and Private rounds we partnered with a number of investors who have extensive reach into the blockchain community. We will announce them all over time, but you can already read about our partnerships with Kosmos, Twin Apex and AU21.

We are also partnering with companies that will help enhance our capability quickly, I cannot announce them just yet but they include blockchain companies with marketing, augmented reality, AI and NFT capabilities. Watch our twitter as we will start announcing these soon.

Finally, we cannot forger the artists that will be providing art to our gallery, these include Alan Teitel, Nick Walker, Ouch, Brito and many more. Not only do they have great art, but they have over 4m followers which will help our community.


Manak :
Thats pretty amazing partnerships!❤️

Avron Goss:
Thank you

Elena Roy:
Partnerships with good Communities are always good🔥🔥

Manak :
Well this made me wonder about one thing🤔

Which i will be asking in next question….

Q3) Can you tell us completely in detail about TwoTwo Art?

Avron Goss:
TWO TWO art was born out of our desire to create a gallery that breaks down the barriers between the real and the virtual. Between the artist and the community. For too long the elite and galleries have controlled access to art and we wanted to change that. NFTs are just one way to make that happen.

Manak :
Its high time for elite and galleries to control the access to art!

Avron Goss:
We are now building a platform that will allow both established and emerging artists to showcase their work and for the community to find the next Banksy. It does not matter if someone has one X22 or 100,000 X22 – they will get a vote and a say.


Manak :
#WeWantChange #WeWantTwoTwoArt🔥🔥

That is extremely needed

Thanks to you guys for taking the initiative🔥

Manak :
Moving on to next one….

Q4) Could you tell us a little more about your background and more about your team as well please?

Elena Roy:
Woah! This is amazing 🔥🔥

Avron Goss:
As I said before I am a co-founder of TWO TWO and have had significant experience setting up and running businesses. I started my career working for Accenture, one of the leading consulting firms in the world. Since then, and before getting involved in crypto, I have been a CEO and advisor to a number of businesses that I have delivered and have made profitable. I have had a number of roles in crypto including helping setup a tokenised stock exchange (Tokenise), advising a provably fair crypto casino and more recently I have been the CSO of Royale.Finance (a DeFi company).

The other two co-founders are Steven Meistrich and Stacey Maites. They have extensive experience in sales, marketing, securing intellectual property, building businesses and art.

Of course we have a superb marketing team as well (being looked after by Chris) and a blockchain development team (under Jesse) who have significant experience delivering blockchain projects.

Finally we have to mention Matt Armstrong who drives our blockchain strategic decisions as he has been involved in many successful blockchain projects.

It is all about the team!


Manak :
HardWorking team behind is the reason for such a great Success of TwoTwo🔥🔥

Elena Roy:
You have done some great job before entering the Crypto World as well🔥🔥🔥

Manak :
Salute to you and your team mates @AvGoss 🔥

Time for the Last Question from host.

Q5) What are long-term benifits of holding TWOTWO tokens? Also are there any short term advantages as well? If yes then what are those?

Avron Goss:
In short our tokens enable the holders to be “the gallery” as they will provide voting rights on the DAO and as well as access to exclusive art deals.

What makes them interesting on top of this is that they will be used to enable NFT marketing to the TWO TWO and third party galleries. We will also have a buy back and lockup scheme whereby revenue we earn from marketing NFTs for these galleries will be used to buy back X22 tokens and lock them up in the Treasury.

The uses of the X22 token are:

  1. Governance: Enables voting on the DAO. Each X22 token represents one vote as we want to enable the community.
  2. Staking: X22 tokens can be staked and will receive yield from the staking pool, NFT and Art sales.
  3. Buy Back and Make: A portion revenue will be used to buy X22 tokens on the open market to boost staking rewards, provide tokens to liquidity providers and ensue we build up reserves in the treasury as insurance.
  4. Stability Fees of art loans: loans will be partially repaid in X22 tokens
  5. Self Service NFT minting
  6. Participation in emerging Artist funds

Because we are going to be reaching the art world as well as the crypto world we believe that we will be creating strong demand for X22 outside of established crypto user.


Manak ;
Thats amazing!🔥🔥 and will definitely help in increasing value of X22.

Thanks for that sir

With this we finally Came to an end of Questions from host🔥


Manak :
Now lets proceed to Twitter Segment now, shall we @AvGoss sir?

Avron Goss:
Hit me with them!

Manak :
Get ready for some Brilliant questions from Twitter!🔥🔥

Here comes the first one😉

Firsr Question from Twitter

It is unfortunate that some projects remain half way because their developers abandon the concept because they cannot achieve the desired capitalization in the long term; how do you plan to make this project sustainable for its development?

From @MariaCahya3

Avron Goss:
Firstly, I have never abandoned a project in my life! Maybe its one of my faults.

Bu there is more to this than hard work and dedication. We have over subscribed on seed, private and strategic so we have sufficient capital. Also, we are very experienced at running and launching projects. It’s all about scope control, budget management and having a capable team.

We have all the above.


Manak :
Glad to know that😊

Second Question from Twitter

Do you have any plans to attract Non-crypto investors to Two Twoart. Because it is the success of a project to get more investors who are still not in the crypto world. What are the plans to increase awareness around your in non-crypto space?

From @THORGodofthnder

Elena Roy:
People can easily trust you guys now🔥🔥

Avron Goss:
Thor has asked a very important question because we are all about making the community the gallery and so we must focus on community. We have only just launched so we are happy with our numbers, but will grow quickly.

Our actions to ensure growth are to:

  1. Ensure great product
    2. Leverage our artists’ followers (there are 4m of them)
    3. Stay active in the crypto community
    4. Keep on top of emerging trends that excite the community
    5. Ensure we are cross chain to reach a wide audience

Ultimately, it is great product that adds value to the community that will mean everything.


Manak :
X22 to the moon and beyond🔥🔥🔥

Third Question from Twitter

  1. For a project development first of all main priority is having enough fund. Does TwoTwo team financially capable to run this project? Do you have enough fund for it’s developement? Can you tell us that how $TwoTwo generate the profits?

From @hasan28d

Avron Goss:
We have over subscribed so funds for launch and beyond are not a problem.

Our main sources of revenue will be:
* Gallery sales (both physical and digital)
* Marketing initiatives to bring more galleries to the NFT world (we have creative ideas here including the X22 token)
* Our DeFi platform will generate income from optimizers and secured loans to artists
* Fun ideas such as NFT lotteries will also be enabled

We believe we will have enough revenue to secure an important goal to provide charitable donations to bring struggling artists to the community and to help the communities in need through art


Manak :

Fourth Question from Twitter

🖐 Hi TwoTwo! Raising handsRaising hands
Will you be aiming at primarily emerging artists or established as well? What are the criteria you are using when selecting which artists to list on TwoTwo, is it going to be decided by DAO voting or TwoTwo team of curators?

From @arjun9_

Elena Roy:
Seems like everything is well planned 🔥😍

Manak :
It is indeed😉

Avron Goss:
We are going to cater for both established and emerging artists on our platform. We believe in finding and supporting talent wherever it is. We are friendly and easy to approach and any artist can present their work to our curator (Stacey) by writing to [email protected].

We are going to have a board of trustees that are experienced in art, but ultimately it is the DAO that will make decisions for the foundation.


Manak :
Brilliant answer to brilliant question!🔥🔥🔥🔥

Well here comes the ladt question from Twitter Segment. Which is…..

Fifth Question from Twitter

Now, the token launch process is easy, but to develop the ecosystem, stabilize prices, expand the market is a challenge in every project? So what are your team first steps towards solving this problem? what is your plan to maintain token price & supply in the market?

From @Himaniii_27

Avron Goss:
You are totally correct that launching is easy, but stabilising the ecosystem is takes work.

We have a number of steps to solve the problem:
1. We have an experienced team
2. We have a large number of use cases for X22 that will attract a large user base
3. We are listing on exchanges we feel will add liquidity
4. We are listing on BSC as well to increase liquidity due to lower gas fees
5. We will use staking and buy back and lock mechanisms to drive up demand
6. We are building a very large community by introducing the non-crypto world it X22 (note our initial artists alone have over 4m followers)

Ultimately, a project like this is like flying a plane. Once it is in the air you need to keep a very close eye on both your instruments and surroundings and constantly adjust your direction slightly to make sure you do not crash.

Elena Roy:
This is what a perfect group with a perfect plan seems like😍😍🔥🔥🔥

Manak :
X22 is definitely going to moon soon🔥

Avron Goss:
I would HODL X22


Manak :
For sure🔥

Well thank you so much for answering best 5 questions from thr twitter🔥🔥


Manak :
We are now good to proceed to last segment of today’s session which is Live Segment!

Shall we proceed @AvGoss sir?


Lemme remind the rules to the community once😉

Rules for live session with TwoTwo are as follows:-

💨Everyone will be given 100 seconds to raise their questions.

💨You must follow the following groups:—
💥 @TWOTWOofficial
💥 @cryptolandoff1
💥 @cryptolandann

Unmuting chat in next 3 seconds

Chat is muted now😉

@AvGoss sir please take your time and select best 5 questions from above questions and answer them😀

NFT is not just a trend! It is going to rule this decade and innovation has just started. So, with NFT what is your future plan?

Avron Goss:
The best things about NFTs are:

  1. They are the ultimately digital rights management tool – it is simple to see if the BFT is an original or a copy
    2. it can be embedded with smart contracts that enable utility

With only $250m spent on Art NFTs last year, this means we are only at the beginning of what will be an explosive industry.

At TWO TWO we are working on extending ART NFTs to include great functionality and we are sure others are too!

Some DeFi projects were recently “hacked” as per their explanations. How do you think these recent events on other DeFi products affects the trust by users? What can Your Project do in order to ensure crypto enthusiasts that #DeFi is safe and reliable?

Avron Goss:
There is never an issue with DeFi. But there can be issues with poorly coded platforms that are not tested properly. I have spent a career in software development for businesses and from my experience we will be doing the following:

  1. Only using highly capable software developers
    2. Ensuring we test properly internally
    3. Ensuring we have a smart contract audit
    4. Ensure we carry out penetration testing
    5. Running a bug bounty programme
    6. Insurance

Security is vital and we will spend a lot of time and money ensuring this is done right.

Manak :
3 more to go✅

Dk Hridoy143:
How do plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries where English is not spoken well? Do you have local communities for them to let them better understand about your project?

Avron Goss:
I have always believed that platforms must be multi-lingual. It is not enough to only provide English platforms as this restricts the user base.

We are going to add languages to our website very soon and extend our social media beyond English and Vietnamese.

Are you a global project or a local? Can anybody use your Advantages from anywhere without any Limitations?

Avron Goss:
We are truly global. Our team is across the globe (Europe, North America, Asia), our artists are across the globe and our users are across the globe.

One of the main principles we have is to make art accessible to all.

We are also making sure that X22 is accessible to all so we are minting tokens on both Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. BSC is important as it allows smaller transaction – gas fees on Ethereum are just insane at the moment.

Manak :
One more✅

Qua Nurya:
What’s the focus of the now? Build and develop products, win customers and users or partnerships? Are there any plans to burn or block unsold tokens? control flexibility, cost and security?


Avron Goss:
We have the following main focusses at the moment:
1. Build the platform
2. Build the community
3. Ensure we have great product
4. Ensure the community has great uses for X22

These are like 4 legs on a chair so will be putting effort into all of it.

Note we will be running a buyback and lock (not burn) mechanism for our tokens and have some superb ideas to ensure the community finds them valuable.

Note that we are currently running a promotion that Alan Teitel’s NFTs will enable their buyers to get free X22 tokens (we have 8,000 to give away). Head over to our website for details:

Manak :

That makes it 5😍✅

Avron Goss:
Everyone had great questions. It was hard to choose!

Manak :
Thank you so much @AvGoss sir for such an informative session today🔥🔥

We got to know so much about TwoTwo

As for anyone who has any more questions left, feel free to ask in @TWOTWOofficial group.

@AvGoss sir there would be more than happy to answer all your doubts😉😉

We wish the best of luck to TWOTWO ART Team🔥🔥🔥

Thanks you so much for this great session😉

Avron Goss:
Thank you and we welcome all in our community

Manak :
Thanks a lot sir

Lets unmute the chat now


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I'm Manak Ahuja, a business administration graduate with a passion for digital marketing. With experience from my family's business, I understand how to scale in competitive markets. My entrepreneurial spirit and digital marketing expertise drive me to create growth and innovation. I'm excited to continue my journey and make a significant impact in the field.